Tag Archives: thank you

My Uncle – My Role Model

Durai Uncle, my role model

Durai Uncle, my role model

You’ve set the standards extremely high;
by the life you live,
by the love you give,
accomplishing achievements as each year passes by.

You excel in everything you do
because of your enthusiasm and sense of fun,
because you believe in a job well done
with joy, gratitude and laughter too.

You are a man of many a talent and skill
who works to serve and glorify God happily,

who always helps those in need selflessly,
showing how things can be done with power and will.

Uncle you are a role model for us to follow
be it your personal or professional life,
be it your social or Christian life,
for doubt or depression into your life you won’t allow.

From you, to live life to the full I’m learning,
to count every God-given blessing,
to savour every moment passing,
and try every adventure without regretting.

Thank you for your love and support over the years.
Thank you for taking me in as one of your nieces.
Thank you for courage to face my challenges.
Thank you for showing me how to live life without fears.

A fantastic 90th birthday to you my dearest Durai Uncle and may God continue to bless you with many more years of Health and Happiness.

Love and kisses,

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